– Sleek fit stays hidden under bottoms.- High-performance innerwear with HEAT RETENTION, Heat of Absorption, odor control, anti-static, quick-drying, shape-retaining, moisture-wicking, soft texture, and deodorizing comfort features. – Ultra-stretch fabric that stretches with your bodys movements. – Made from fabric that feels soft and comfortable to the touch. – Perfectly-fitting innerwear doesn’t catch on bottoms.
Product ID: 451908,450703,441613
Please note that this product may have different product ID, even if it is the same item.
Fabric details
Body: 39% Polyester, 32% Acrylic, 21% Rayon, 8% Spandex/ Waist: 90% Nylon, 10% SpandexImported
Washing instructions
Machine wash cold, gentle cycle
– The images shown may include colors that are not available.