– Self-deodorizing feature. – Smooth SUPIMA® cotton with a lovely glossy sheen. – Breathable pique has a distinctive texture. – Not too tight at the ankles. – Variable knit conforms to the shape of the foot. – Contoured heel design for a snug, secure fit. – Regular length. – Suitable for business and casual wear.
Product ID: 462203,457287,452027,447694,441897
Please note that this product may have different product ID, even if it is the same item.
Fabric details
This item ships with one of the below options. Note that you cannot specify a preference at this time.83% Cotton, 14% Polyester, 2% Spandex, 1% Nylon82% Cotton, 15% Polyester, 2% Spandex, 1% NylonImported
Washing instructions
Machine wash cold
– The images shown may include colors that are not available.